Shabby Blog

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

2012 in review

I'd like to set my self loads of goals for 2013 but I need to be realistic (0 achieved...)  So, my main aspiration  this year is to learn to be a better designer and photographer by reading, watching and practicing.  I've also recently read through these, 10 blogging resolutions for 2013 which are a great source of inspiration.  Some other links I've been loving are below.

So in light of this I made the basic inforgraphic above which meant that I had to learn to use some new tools in Adobe Illustrator.  So that's my stage 1 of learning to use these things properly.  If you're interested, I learnt to do the above using a fantastic Youtube Tutorial, I can certainly recommend it.

Picking holly for the Christmas Table
2012 revolved around one amazing thing, the birth of our wonderful son Aneurin.  We are nearing his 1st birthday and it serves as a double reminder that the new year is with us and we need to get with it.    Most of December went by in a bit of a blur, what with the filming of Super Scrimpers and making stock for the Pop Up Shop. I'm hoping these two things will lead on to a exciting 2013 full of new opportunities and surprises.  See you there!


  1. I love that infographic, well done! Thanks so much for sharing :)
    ps when is your little one's birthday? My youngest will be 1 in feb :)

  2. Thanks so much for dropping by, Nye's birthday is on the 15th January so not long now. Finally getting round to planning everything today. Do you have any plans for your youngest?



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