Shabby Blog

Thursday, 9 May 2013

10 Things I love about my 15 month old.

I haven't been doing regular Nye updates but I wanted to remember the silly everyday things that always make me smile.

  1. You give 100 kisses a day and even more if you want something.
  2. You throw yourself with wild abandon into any pile of soft looking objects.  
  3. The way you gently feed the dog your food.
  4. Your angry screwed up face and huffy strops - I always have to try to hold a straight face.
  5. Your amazing tripod pen grip & the way you go off to find yourself a notebook and pen.
  6. Your love of being outside and your ability to imitate me digging up the weeds.
  7. The way you pick up shingle and put it in your watering can. 
  8. You have the best dace moves, you bop the instant a catchy tune reaches your ears.
  9. Your cheeky head tilt grin.
  10. The way you point with both index fingers if you REALLY want something.

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