So here we have Nye's 10 month achievements:
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I think you'll find that's mine... |
- The start of the inner comic is showing, blowing raspberry's, clapping and being a clown just for laughs.
- Copying adult behaviour, when given glasses putting them on your face and learning to open doors and flaps when shown.
- Remembering sounds, hearing the sound of the dog and looking for her
- Standing unaided for a few minutes (until you realise you are and get worried)
- Finding unexpected things funny, a paper cup that isn't even that doesn't roll straight makes you laugh.
Physical Development
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I will get my dog through this tiny hole, just you watch. |
- You mastered full blown speedy crawling (but you still much prefer your feet).
- Learning that if you can't cruise somewhere you can drop to the floor and crawl over instead
- 3 more teeth, right at the top which all came through, very slowly 1 day after the other.
- Holding out hands for required assistance.
- Waving when waved at to say hello/goodbye.
- Knowing when you need the toilet and squatting to do so.
- Learning tones of voice, and trying to stop yourself from doing something naughty.
- The start of language use, dada for daddy and tah for tea.
- Understanding what basic commands mean, come here and do you want milk?
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I'm just sorting the cotton balls, they taste great. |
- Learning and loving to play chase with Daddy
- Learning to throw things, intentionally drop things and either chase after them yourself or send us to do it for you.
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I live fast and nap hard |
- The new strength that you have discovered means that just seeing the rails of your cot means that you are drawn to get yourself on your feet and not lying down even when you are exhausted. I have had to develop a new duvet wrapping method where i wedge you in so you drop off immediately without struggle.
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I'm excellent at gingerbread quality control. |
- Starting to learn when you are full, by pushing your plate off table
- Weaning has ended, or ended some time ago, he eats like a trooper, cold or hot, lumpy, chunky or smooth. I'm yet to find anything he doesn't like, unless things frustrate him, he will gobble them up.
Bits and Bobs
- The first signs of separation anxiety, sometimes you will not let go of me and you almost always scream when I go.
- Your first day without me or daddy, when Nicola looked after you while I filmed Super Scrimpers.
- You've learnt not to bite me, but you seem to have learnt to pinch us instead.
- The jealousy when I hold other babies still remains and gets ever stronger, as does your belief that everything in the world belongs to you.
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I'm still a Mummys boy |