I am so glad to be back again after what has been a lovely weekend. I'm also feeling quite smug with myself because I finally managed to revise for and take my John Lewis numerical reasoning test. I applied months and months ago and tried to take the test a few times before only to find the website was in technical meltdown. I was informed last week that it was back in business and had 7 days to revise for the test. Unfortunately for me, I hadn't even looked at a maths test since it broke previously and had meetings every evening but one last week so today was my only day to settle down in to it. I felt it went ok, but it was really stressful. I could feel the beads of sweat on my brow as I attempted the impossible feat of answering 18 hideously complex problems in 17min. But I got there in the end. I breathed a sigh of relief (only to find an invitation in my inbox to complete the verbal reasoning test in 7 days) It's a hard life that's what I say!

Anyway, now I am feeling suitably angelic from getting that out of the way I can update you all on the wonderful weekend Neil and I had. On Thursday I came across a competition to win VIP tickets to Jamie Oliver's Big Feastival which was on Fridays, Saturday and Sunday this week. Playing on my pregnancy somewhat to win the tickets I detailed what would be my perfect feast and to my amazement we won the tickets. So on Saturday we found ourselves heading out to Clapham Common for a day of free food, drink and good music. It really was a stroke of luck as Neil and I celebrated being reunited after our first week apart whilst he completes his training at the Teach First summer institute.
The VIP area at 12.30 (Neil already in BBQ queue) |
My free fresh lemonade and Neil's free Cava + comfy seats! |
It was such a treat, VIP passes entitled us to a private area, a free bbq all day £25 worth of tickets each of the all the pop up restaurants on site (including Locotelli, Wahaca etc.)and free booze for Neil (soft drinks for me). The whole day was also Dj'd by Hedkandi who specialise in kind of R & B chill out which was perfect for a lazy day reclining on cushions and rugs in the sunshine.
I have to admit we didn't do a lot other than relaxing and eating. I did feel sick on and off all day but managed to keep it at bay with some delicious chocolate treats being offered by some of the restaurants. We had a mixture of different things including fish and chips from Canteen, Popcorn Shrimp, Malaysian Satay Skewers, BBQ Pulled Pork and even a hot scotch egg.
And while we were patiently waiting in the queue for the Fish and Chips we even caught a glimpse of Jamie Oliver. (Spotting him in the pictures below will be more like 'where's Wally?'!) There was also plenty of celeb spotting to be had, I particularly enjoyed recognising Jamie's wife Jools (who's book on pregnancy I'm currently reading) and Richard Bacon off the Radio.
So I suppose you could say all in all we had the most amazing day, exactly what we needed after a long week away from one another and at 7pm we ambled home, Neil in a slightly worse for wear state....
Heee - loving the last photo! Looks and sounds like an absolutely glorious day. xx